Our Ingredients

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Continuing to learn and grow is something so important to me. I’m so lucky that I have two daughters that are so committed to the plant-based movement that I learn from them every day! It would be easy to put out a vegan product using any type of plant-based ingredients, but we want to be ethical in the selection of our ingredients while choosing healthy options.

What does this mean?

Flour - flour is vegan so why do we use only unbleached flour in our dough? In our opinion the more natural the food the better it is so we prefer to use flour that goes through the natural aging process and not hurried up by treating the flour with various chemicals.

Oil - there are several different options that would work in our dough but we chose organic, non GMO, refined coconut oil. It is a non-hydrogenated oil and that makes it healthier by eliminating trans fats.

Vegan butter - this ingredient, used to make our cheese pies so buttery and yummy, is a tricky ingredient because vegan butters all seem to use palm oil. For various reasons, including rain deforestation, palm oil is not an ethical choice. So to make sure we don’t contribute to the deforestation we use Melt Organic Butter. You can read about why their product is more ethical at meltorganic.com/faqs.


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